Creating local Go dev environment with Docker and live code reloading
This post is a quick how-to for starting a new project in Go. It features: Hot code reloading Running multiple Docker containers with Docker Compose Using Go Modules for managing dependencies It’s best to show the above working together with an example project. We’re going to set up two separate services communicating with messages over NATS. The first one will receive messages on an HTTP endpoint and then publish them to a NATS topic.

Watermill v0.2.0 released
Let me start by thanking all contributors for feedback on Watermill - it drives us to add new features. Thanks! It’s been almost a month since the initial release of Watermill. However, it’s just the beginning and we are still working hard to ship new features. What is new in Watermill 0.2? Documentation - watermill.io Godoc is great. However, it’s functionality is sometimes too limited to express more complicated documentation.
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