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Why using Microservices or Monolith can be just a detail?

Why using Microservices or Monolith can be just a detail?

Nowadays we can often hear that monolithic architecture is obsolete and responsible for all evil in IT. We often hear that microservices architecture is a silver bullet which helps to kill all this monolithic evil. But you probably know that there are almost no silver bullets in IT and every decision entails trade-offs. One of the most favored advantages of microservices architecture is good modules separation. You can deploy every service independently and services are easier to scale.

Introducing Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project

Introducing Clean Architecture by refactoring a Go project

The authors of Accelerate dedicate a whole chapter to software architecture and how it affects development performance. One thing that often comes up is designing applications to be “loosely coupled”. The goal is for your architecture to support the ability of teams to get their work done—from design through to deployment—without requiring high-bandwidth communication between teams. Accelerate If you haven’t read Accelerate yet, I highly recommend it.

Microservices test architecture. Can you sleep well without end-to-end tests?

Microservices test architecture. Can you sleep well without end-to-end tests?

Do you know the rare feeling when you develop a new application from scratch and can cover all lines with proper tests? I said “rare” because most of the time, you will work with software with a long history, multiple contributors, and not so obvious testing approach. Even if the code uses good patterns, the test suite doesn’t always follow. Some projects have no modern development environment set up, so there are only unit tests for things that are easy to test.

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